Air quality control
Dust management
Fine dust can be a health hazard to workers, particularly when the dust contains known carcinogens or silica. Controlling both dust development and the resulting residue can improve air quality over a wide spectrum. A dust collector is a system used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. We offer the sourcing, implementing and maintenance of baffles and personnel dedusting booths.
Burnley™ Baffles – Dust control technology
Burnley™ Baffles are passive dust control devices developed to reduce the dust released from bulk material hopper applications. We offer this international patented dust suppression product that can be installed by itself or in combination with an active dust collection system (i.e. a dust collector). One of the benefits of combining Burnley™ Baffles with a dust collector, is the significantly reduced implementation size, as the baffles perform the majority of the work controlling the dust. Additional benefits include decreased product losses and lower maintenance.
A typical installation consists of a set of baffle modules that fill the opening of a hopper. In most cases the baffles are installed directly below the grizzly bars. Each module contains a set of blades that pivot to allow the material to flow through and into the hopper. The dust generated when the material falls into the hopper is limited to below the baffles as the blades only open where product flows through. Up to 75 per cent of the dust can be eliminated with only Burnley™ Baffles in place.
B3 Solutions act as engineering consultants to incorporate the baffles into our clients’ designs or existing hoppers. We can also make recommendations on active dust collection systems if 100 per cent of the dust needs to be managed.
Bat Booth™ - Personnel dedusting booths
Fine dust can be a health hazard to workers, particularly when the dust contains known carcinogens or silica. Research has shown that dusty clothing can elevate a worker’s exposure to dust 10 times that of a worker in clean clothing.
Many methods using vacuum or compressed air hoses are commonly used to clean workers’ clothes. In many jurisdictions it is against regulation to use compressed air to clean workers’ clothes, though. These methods are slow, ineffective and do not contain the dust when dislodged from workers’ clothes. Bat Booths™ use low pressure compressed air to blow dust off a worker’s clothing while capturing the dust using a dust collector to contain airborne dust. The process takes only 10 seconds and tests have shown 50% improvement in dust removed from clothes over other methods.
Supplier of Mideco Technology.
Mideco is a global leader in industrial dust collection solutions and delivers turnkey industrial dust collection solutions across a diverse range of industries.